Caracterize came from a simple idea. I loved my car but wanted to be different from any other cars. I wanted to give it personality and even more character.
So, I decided to use all the tools needed to develop my ideas and creations. Later, I made a small business out of it and sell the designs in a store.
I hope to have success and I propose you a highly qualitative product and give you a great client service!
Do you like also the designs? I try to make them really stand out. That’s why I chose to be inspired by tattoo’s. The obvious advantage being that you can change whenever you like.
So your car has a skin to design on? Than it’s the same for your PC, fridge, wall or anything else. You also can be creative in the way you use your stickers!
And the good news for the environment is that vinyl can be smelt down and transformed in another product. Just make sure it ends in the conform dustbin!
Do you like what I do? Show it to your friends and family and spread the word!